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[SECC] GQP Weekend Change

Subject: [SECC] GQP Weekend Change
From: (
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:09:36 EDT
I have been suggesting for years that the GQP move out of July. It's always a 
real struggle from the left coast in July and just not fun. I enjoy and am 
very active in many state parties.

Joining with other states has merit. However, joining with LA and AL to 
compete with TX (one of the biggies) on the same weekend won't work. Finding 
your own weekend for a joint effort, while difficult, would be much better. 
The same goes for FL (another biggie) who I doubt will want to share. I 
personally would rather concentrate on one state party in a weekend, 
especially with computer logging. 

I hope you can find a solution. 73...

John, N6MU


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