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[SECC] NAQP contest club challenge

Subject: [SECC] NAQP contest club challenge
From: (greg and leann richard)
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 17:52:07 -0500
Hello all,

Would the SECC be interested in challenging the TCG and maybe the FCG to =
a High score competition in NAQP CW?

It won't affect the individual teams but everyone in the SECC that gets =
on adds their score together and the TCG or FCG does the same thing. =
High score wins regardless of number of entries.  Any multi op gets =
figured in like the CQ WW does for club competition: The percentage of =
operators of a particular club gets that percent of the score.

The intent is to get as many SECC guys on during the NAQP (No kidding) =
even if you can only squeeze out 3 or 4 hours.

I have not formally heard from the TCG but they have 9 guys signed up =
for teams at this point.

Any interest?

Greg K4NO


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