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[SECC] FD Weekend

Subject: [SECC] FD Weekend
From: (greg and leann richard)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:33:31 -0500
I spent Saturday taking down the top 60 feet of a 120 foot Rohn 25G =
tower for a local. We finished up tonight. Total take down time was just =
over 4 hours once we got going.  We spent about 4 hours getting stuff =
together for the take down.

I found about 12 missing bolts in the tower and had to retension the guy =
wires at 30/60/90 feet before it was safe to begin the take down =
process.  If you haven't been on your tower in a while, take a trip up =
it this weekend do a little maintenance work.

The tower was put up about 5 years ago and axle grease was used between =
the sections.  I was able to lift the sections up while the ground crew =
pulled the rope. We didn't have to use a tower jack which made it fairly =
quick to dismantle.  We could move as quickly as I could move the gin =

Glad to get that one down. Its been a while since I've taken a tower =
down and I am sore and bruised and beat up. =20

Glad to see the SS talk on the reflector.

Who is the IARU cheerleader?  GAQP and NAQP's will be here soon.

Who is the NAQP cheerleader/team maker?

Greg K4NO

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