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[SECC] SECC Meeting 6/1/2002 -- Minutes

Subject: [SECC] SECC Meeting 6/1/2002 -- Minutes
From: (Bill Coleman)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 20:30:44 -0400
Gary, K9AY called to order the SECC meeting at the Atlanta Hamfest on 
6/1/2002. In attendance where:


We were very pleased to see new members KN6RO and KU8E in attendance.

First order of business was the election of new officers for the next 
year. Gary had a slate of nominees, and since there were no other 
nominees, they were elected by acclaimation:

Greg, K4NO - President
Don, W4OC - Vice President
Bill, AA4LR - Secretary

Old business:

The secretary noted that Gary, K9AY had taken the action item at the last 
meeting to draft an amendment to the bylaws to remove the requirement for 
two meeting attendances. This point in the bylaws exists to fulfill an 
ARRL Club Competition requirement that will not exist in the coming 
contest season. 

Also, K4SB was going to process our membership records and see if we 
could more optimally position our club circle. Since Ed was not in 
attendance, we didn't get a report on this.

New business:

The GQP was very much on the minds of the membership. Since Jeff, KD3UC, 
the GQP Czar was not in attendance, no actions were voted upon.

KU8E volunteered to help KD3UC promote the upcoming GQP. Jeff, we're 
expecting a K4OJ-level of promotion here, right?

It was also mentioned that we might want to set up a web page on the GQP 
site to allow contestants to submit summary sheets. The electronic 
collection of this information would save a lot of data entry.

Although we have agreed that the rules and date are unchanged from last 
year, for the following year, several comments were made regarding the 
GQP. The following suggestions were mentioned, but no motions made:

- Future date of GQP might be first weekend in June. No other contests, 
and cerainly cooler than July.

- Future date of GQP might be run in concurrance with minor 
non-conflicting contest effort, such as Stew Perry 160m. (GQP hours are 
during daylight)

- Future GQP operating time might be changed to one 12/hr day.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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