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[SECC] Meeting and Officer Nominations

Subject: [SECC] Meeting and Officer Nominations
From: K9AY" < (K9AY)
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 20:20:51 -0400
Fellow SECC members,

The SECC will hold a meeting at the Atlanta Hamfest on Saturday, June 1.
Details of the time and place will be announced closer to that date.

The major action at that meeting will be the election of 2002/2003 officers
(term of office is annual starting in August).

An online preparatory meeting is now called to order, which will continue until
the "live" meeting on June 1. Nominations are now open for next year's officers.
Current officers are:

President -- Gary Breed, K9AY
Vice President -- Greg Richard, K4NO
Secretary -- Bill Coleman, AA4LR

I will begin the discussion by asking NOT to be nominated for a second term as
President -- it is likely that I will be moving out of the area in a few months
and would not be unable to complete another term.

Post your nominations to the reflector, and club Secretary AA4LR will maintain a
record of the nominations.

73, Gary

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