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[SECC] Emergency Radio

Subject: [SECC] Emergency Radio
From: (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 19:31:55 -0500
Depending on 2m only is probably not a good idea.  When, not if, the power
goes down and the emergency batteries die on the 'repeater' then what?

HF is probably the only reliable choice.  Of course that also has it's

I would suggest not putting all the eggs in one basket and working towards
the more the better.  But that may not be enough either.  hi.

See my point?  Hard to plan for something that has never happened.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Pryor" <jpryor@ARCHES.UGA.EDU>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: [SECC] Emergency Radio

> This doesn't have anything to do with contesting, but I'd like the
> of club members.  What would you choose for an "emergency radio?"   I
> have a specific scenario in mind -- but my XYL asked if I had a radio that
> could be used to provide assistance in an emergency, particularly
> terrorist, situation.  I have an HT that needs a new battery, but I'm
> wondering if I should have more?  Is a FT-817 overkill or is 2M enough?
> have a HF radio in my car.)
> Thoughts?
> Thanks/73,
> - Jay, K4OGG
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