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[SECC] chasing a ghost!

Subject: [SECC] chasing a ghost!
From: Courtney Judd" < (Courtney Judd)
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 20:51:48 -0600
You just never know! Ten started going away a little after 8 PM tonight and
my run freq slowed to a crawl so I started S+P up and down. Found HK6JJH up
about 28560 and started calling him. I could hear him about S4 with no
problem and he is running a bunch of US stations. After about 15 minutes of
calling, moving antennas, pulling hair, Bill-W4ZV pops in and tells me that
I am calling his second harmonic. HK6JJH was actually on 20 meters! New one
on me!! Biggest thrill was HS0/G3NOM telling me that I was stronger in
downtown Bangkok than the west coast guys. Hope tomorrow opens up better
than it is tonight. cul Cort
Courtney Judd K4WI
2300 County Road 61
Uniontown, Al. 36786
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