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[SECC] update from nq4i

Subject: [SECC] update from nq4i
From: (Joe L Blackwell)
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:48:52 -0500
Good going, Rick,
Just keep me in mind for a CW op in some of your multi-mutli efforts.
73, Joe, aa4nn

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:08:56 -0500 Rick Dougherty <>
> Hello all...almost recovered from cqww cw...hi...been working the 
> past few
> days on antenna projects...just built another of the infamous nq4i 5 
> el 15m
> will be part of the new 4 high stack at the new 
> qth...been
> working on the 3rd 3 el 40m yagi...and have done some work on the 
> 2nd 80m
> yagi...still abt 25% to go on it...i need aluminum tubing...anybody 
> have a
> scrap pile they want to rid them selves of?? 
> The new qth update...the property has been surveyed and it came out 
> to
> 12.75 acres...its about 450 ft wide and approx 1300 ft deep...runs 
> north
> and south...we will start cutting trees in about 2 weeks and 
> clearing the
> land...time table is to begin the foundation in Jan and the framing 
> in
> Feb...completion date is around june 20th....the first 4 towers will 
> be in
> place at the same time the foundation is poured...and I will start 
> the 80m
> tower in should be up in 2 weeks after I start it...the
> remaining towers at the present qth will come down after the wpx ssb 
> test
> in March...and I will imediately start building at the new 
> qth...there is
> no reason that 4 towers can't be up and most antennas operational by 
> the
> time the new qth is ready....phase II of the towers will start as 
> soon as I
> find more tower to install...
> We will do multi-multi in ARRL cw and WPX SSB   ...that will be it 
> for this
> qth...I plan on having about 70% capability...for the season 
> starting in
> Oct next year...we will be competitive, but the second stations will 
> not be
> fully functional...thats about it from Rick
> --
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