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[SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster

Subject: [SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster
From: Ernie" < (Ernie)
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 14:53:14 -0400

The answer to your question is Yes.  The AR Cluster software, if we get it,
will connect to the Internet DX clusters as does the current software I am

I connect up to the Internet clusters by DSL line. It is up  24/7/365 with
only occasional 3 to 5 minute outages when Mindspring/Earthlink decides that
they need to reboot something.  I currently connect up to KE9KD which is
also known as

All equipment here is either on UPS (computer equipment) or on solar
maintained battery backup (TNCs and 2 meter radios.)  The Sawnee Mtn. site
will soon have power backup capabilities (thanks to WB4SQ and K4QFF)

The cluster computer is a brand new Athlon running Windows 2000.

The whole point in my approach has been uptime and reliability.  However, we
still want to make additional improvements to the Sawnee infrastructure as
time, money and schedules allow.

Ernie KS4Q

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Fisher W4AN" <>
To: "K4SB" <>
Cc: "SECC" <>; "Ernie" <>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster

> Ed & Ernie,
> Will the local packet cluster be tied to the internet packet cluster
> system?
> The lack of this capability renders the local cluster mostly useless for
> us in a contest.  There just aren't enough people locally active in the
> contests to derive much benefit from it.
> If so, I'll gladly pitch in for whatever amount remains.
> If not, I suggest tapping the local DXers who ARE using it.
> 73
> Bill, W4AN

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