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[SECC] GQP Revision

Subject: [SECC] GQP Revision
From: (Thom)
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:44:18 -0400
Hey....I have GOT to answer this great reply, along with a request for info!

I agree that stereotypical names should be avoided, as I have seen in many
replies concerning this thread, if only to give all involved a chance to be
even more creative.  The "Shrimp Boats Are A Comin'" type of theme seems to
be at least one interesting route to explore, however....but no matter what,
should the states band together any kind of a massive party such as this
could not go until 2003 at the earliest due to scheduling, promotions,
seeking dates and the like....

One view I would like to take of QSO Parties would be to encourage more
regional multi-state events such as this idea (I'll note more a bit further
on). The benefits would be twofold:
* Compressing the contest calendar to avoid more major events such as FD,
the WPX gatherings, IOTA, etc. while seeking out better operating seasons.
* More contacts, more contacts, more contacts (and in these days of logging
software, separating the QSOs should not be too much of a hassle)!

Now, my request: Using W3KM's web page as a guide (he has a free logging
program that is plain fabulous for state QSO parties and contests) and
adding my notes from other contest related web pages I have found a total of
34 states that have active QSO parties as of this date.  Anyone out there
have info on any others?

I ask because those that do not (or no info is available) include New York,
South Carolina, the Four Corners (AZ/NM/UT/CO), the Iowa/Missouri/Arkansas
spot on the Mississippi River, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi
and the Idaho/Montana/Wyoming group.  Surely some of these states have QSO
parties....I think! New York is the one of this pack that is most
inexplicable and two of these - MS and SC - would seem to be natural
additions for, say, a Costal QSO Party (unless SC joins up with NC for a
Carolina QSO Party, another natural there). The states on the Four Corners
would make for a great QSO gathering themselves, while ID/MT/WY and the
Dakotas could become a Great North Plains Party.

OK, let's see where this entire madness goes.....GRIN....your turn one and
all to chat!!
Thom  N8DXR.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Bentley" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 10:06 PM
Subject: [SECC] GQP Revision

> N8DXR got my brain going - all of the potential supporters of a regional
> QSO party mentioned so far have at least one thing in common - a shrimp
> industry.  How about a Southeastern version of the Salmon Run -
> something like a Bubba Shrimp Ramble?
> We haven't had chatter on the reflectors like this is a long time - keep
> it up!
> Dick K2UFT

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