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Subject: [SECC] K9AY ARRL 10M QRP CW
From: (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:01:30 -0500
Hi Gary:  Great job, QRP.  K0WA in KS had no ears.  I did work some other KS
stations, though.  But, I called Lee over and over on two occasions  with
nothing more than a ? in reply.  Must have high line noise there.  The KH8 in
the morning is almost always long path.  I have worked VK stations on 21 mhz
in our morning both short and long path, but have almost never found them
short path on 28 in our morning times.

I suspect I needed an antenna system like your and I would have done much
better with my 700 watts or so output.

73, John, K4BAI.

Gary Breed wrote:

> Hi guys...
> I worked harder and spent more time than I had planned, but not
> quite a full-time effort.
> 73, Gary
> K9AY
> ------------------------------------------------------
> K9AY -- QRP/CW only -- Approx. 19 hours operating time
> 551 QSOs / 2208 QSO points (one "/N" 8 point QSO)
> 55 States & Provinces + 72 Countries = 127 mults
> 280,416 points
> Rig: ICOM 765 (used 1 radio) + X9 @ 65 ft.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Lots of good DX, but hard to work US without any E-skip.  Backscatter
> with QRP is a challenge!  Heard but missed VE2, VE9, KS, RI.
> Got home from a trip late Friday. Set up the computer, turned on the
> radio and set the power knob to 5W -- worked W4AN and K4AB for QSOs #1
> and #2 and went to bed. Got up Saturday an hour before sunrise and
> decided the band was good enough to stay QRP. On Sunday I found Don W4OC
> on backscatter for my only SC. Also worked SECCers W4WA, K4EA and W4KZ.
> Heard K4BAI, W4NTI, AA4NN and maybe some other members, but no QSOs.
> Got VR2BG and BD4ED in the last 1/2 hour for a nice finish. BD4ED was
> not hearing well, but I got through at the peak of the opening. The
> gray line path to JA and the Far East was fairly short, but very strong.
> 35 JAs were logged; even got a few while CQing.
> Despite the good condx, could not get runs going to EU. Tried several
> times, but would only get 5 or 8 QSOs before being run off the freq
> or getting no more answers for several minutes (S&P is better at that
> point).  Sunday a.m. I did hold on to 28054 for about 40 minutes and
> was called by 4X1KS, T91ESP and KH8/N5OLS for new mults -- was KH8 via
> long path or off the back of the X9? Also worked RW1ZA over the pole
> Sunday at 2140 with a huge signal and few callers. Spotlight propagation,
> I guess.
> Continent breakdown:
> NA - 199
> SA - 30
> EU - 262
> AS - 40
> AF - 7
> OC - 13
> --
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