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[SECC] Re: (*&%#computers

Subject: [SECC] Re: (*&%#computers
From: Ben Coleman" < (Ben Coleman)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:40:54 -0500
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:03:30 -0500, Gary Breed wrote:

>PS -- Ditto earlier comments on "bundled" systems -- I can't tell you
>how much of a pain it was to replace a modem on my E-Machines 'puter
>with a model different than its original equipment!

And I'll note that Microsoft's latest so-called 'anti-piracy' gambit
has made this even worse.  They're forcing vendors to *not* include a
full install CD with the bundled systems, just a 'restore' CD (or maybe
not even a CD - they just load the files onto the hard drive, meaning
you either get a CDR drive and burn them yourself, or risk being stuck
if the hard drive fails) that may not work if you've changed
peripherals that came with the system.  From what I've read, more than
one person who has added upgrades to a bundled system has found that
they have to go out and buy a full retail version of Windows when the
inevitable need to do a 'wipe and reinstall' happens to their system. 
It's grossly irresponsible on Microsoft's part, but I'll bet they're
not sad about having another group of people who end up paying for
Windows twice for one system.  The Mom and Pops either end up under the
radar for being forced to do this, or will be willing to sell you an
OS-less system, so you can go buy (just one) retail version of Windows
(or use Linux instead of Windows) rather than pay the Microsoft tax

Ben Coleman    | The attempt to legislatively   | micromanage equality results, at
                                     | best, in equal misery for all.

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