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[SECC] Sweepstakes

Subject: [SECC] Sweepstakes
From: (Jay Pryor)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:20:04 +0100
Well, yes and no.  The web site you cite is after all entitled "Musings on 
the Carbillo Spec. . ."  It is not represented as being a contest rule or 

It's the ARRL's contest and the ARRL can specify the form in which they 
will accept entries.  However, asking for the off times seems to negate 
what I understood was one of the goals of Cabrillo -- to simplify things so 
that, for one thing, no off times needed to be listed.  So the bottom line 
is, instead of generating a summary sheet which includes off times, you put 
the off times in a different place, in your Cabrillo submission. I guess 
that makes it a tad easier.  But only a tad.

- Jay/K4OGG

At 07:00 PM 9/21/2000, Bill Coleman AA4LR wrote:
>On 9/21/00 8:32 AM, Jay Pryor at wrote:
> >Watch out when submitting your Sweepstakes logs.
> >
> >There may be more discussion of this as we get closer to the date of the
> >Sweepstakes, but I just noticed that the rules state that off times must be
> >"listed separately in the 'Soapbox/Comments' section of an electronic
> >Cabrillo file submission."
> >
> >In other words, do not simply let your logging program produce your
> >Cabrillo log and send it in, thinking that your off times will be computed.
> >You must list your off times before sending.
>This is in direct conflict with the Cabrillo specification:
>"CLAIMED-SCORE is included so that a High Claimed Scores report may be
>generated. Line score data such a QSOs, QSO points, multipliers, on-time
>and off-time will be computed during the log checking process."
>See: <>
>Since on and off times are computed from your logs, there is a potential
>for rubber-clocking. I think the contest judges feel that any sort of
>rubber-clock strategy based on listening during off-times is not likely
>to overtly affect the outcome of the contest.
>Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
>Quote: "Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!"
>             -- Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales

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