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[SD-User] UK/EI DX Contest - CW

Subject: [SD-User] UK/EI DX Contest - CW
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:03:52 +0100
List-post: <>
This contest runs for 24 hours from 1200z Saturday 29th April.

It is CW-only on the 5 contest bands from 80-10m.

Rules at

For SD, the option is "UK/EI DX CW"

SD V21.81 is free from

Everyone works everyone.
Exchange serials.  UK and EI stations add their 2-character
District Code as listed on the Rules page.  No on-air exchange
of "5NN"  is needed  (I will not send it).

SD pre-fills the district when you've worked the UK/EI station on
another band, or on a callsign match with the UK/EI call history
file supplied.  Note that there is no BT district for GI/MI stations,
use your "county" code specified in the rules.

When a UK/EI district is not pre-filled, SD lets you log the serial
and district as a single field - for example 123DU (no space),
followed by Enter.

Mults are UK/EI districts, and other DXCC countries, by band.

Upload your log within 24 hours -

Paul EI5DI

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