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[SD-User] EU HF Championship - CW/SSB

Subject: [SD-User] EU HF Championship - CW/SSB
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2018 11:15:13 +0100
List-post: <>
The European HF Championship takes place on Saturday 4th August
from 12:00 - 23:59 UTC.  It's a European-Only, single operator
event, with HP and LP (100w) sections for CW, SSB and Mixed Mode
- on the 6 HF contest bands from 160-10m.

Rules at

SD V20.07 support this contest - from
   Select the "EU HF Championship" template.

Enter your "Licence Year" in SD's opening screen. This is a
2-digit number representing the year of issue of your (the
operator's) first amateur licence - NOT the year of issue of
the callsign you're using, if different.

Work Europeans only - SD shows invalid calls and prefixes
in black. Exchange Licence Year.  Mults are each Licence Year
per band - the longer you have been licensed, the more likely
you are to be a multiplierfor others (and the more fun you'll

There are limits on Band/Mode changes per hour - see
the rules.

For CW, use Shift-F2 to set your exchange to #C 5NN 99#E
(substitute your Licence Year for 99)

Upload your log here - withing 48 hours

Please mention SD in your Soapbox comments.

Paul EI5DI

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