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Re: [SD-User] SD F1 problems

Subject: Re: [SD-User] SD F1 problems
From: Joe Pontek Sr <>
Date: Sat, 26 May 2018 19:55:15 -0500
List-post: <>
Remove the current file that has all the functions of the F keys, etc. or rename it.  It is probably corrupted and a new  needs to made from scratch.  Before just removing it or after renaming it, so a "Select all" and you might see the corrupted text with its color being other than black.  Sorry, but I have been way from SD for a bit because my FT-817ND has a problem with interfacing and no time to fix it yet.  I do not have SD on this PC, so I can't look for the correct file name, but recall one earlier became corrupted and found it
that way.  I think it was an RFI issue that caused the corruption.

On 5/26/2018 3:37 PM, wrote:
A narrow filter kicking in when using SD?

Is there the same problem with all the other F Keys?
Fred  G0MDR

On 2018-05-26 12:20, Malcolm - G4CXT wrote:
RF feedback when using the PC running SD? Could be creating a
spurious message to the TR/x power control?


Malcolm - G4CXT

On 26/05/2018 10:51, Paul O'Kane wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't know why this might be happening.  Has anyone else any suggestions?
Paul EI5DI

On 26/05/2018 09:52, Tommy Clemmensen wrote:
Hello Poul

I can send 100 watt from my winkeyer and my paddle and my radio, but when I send from SD wwith the F1 it will only send 25 watt, I use a FT857d and a Winkey3 and a Bencher paddle keyer.
My F panel is set up like this

F1 cq cq de #R #R k
F2 #T
F3 TU qrz #R
F4 #R
F5 #C
F6 #C #T
F7 ?
F8 OP OZ1THC Tommy

Right now I am partipating in oz50hrh/77 but can not be heard

but when I press F1 it only send CQ CQ and when stop when I send more than 25 watt
Tommy oz1thc

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Regards, Joe, K8JP/V31JP, Ronnie, Marty & Sidney Pontek
175 Diamond Loch Rd., Apt. 5
Gilmer, TX 75644-9374
P.O. Box 280, Dangriga, Stann Creek District
(Hopkins Village) Belize

903-204-2318 (My TX cellular)
903-884-5990 (Skype telephone number, Belize & TX)
Also, K8JP, member FOC-1743, QCWA-LM21894, OOTC-4607, A1OP, SKCC-3171T, 
NAQCC-5798, Flying Pig-2819, FISTS-7625CC951, A1C-2299, SOC 1075, 10-10 22977, 
PG1915841, CW Rag chewers #21,
Facebook: Joe Pontek
Skype: v31joepalooka
I am looking for Vibroplex Model X, Double lever and prefer basket cases to 

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