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[SD-User] V18.40 Released

Subject: [SD-User] V18.40 Released
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 00:19:14 +0100
List-post: <">>
V18.40  1 October 2016

SA Sprint:
    Updated for new rules.  Mults are South American
    (SA) prefixes, and all DXCC countries, including
    SA. They count once only regardless of band or mode.
    SA QSOs count for double mults when appropriate.
    This is a free and unrestricted option in SD.

    As you type calls, SD flags their multiplier status,
    with P and/or C, above the call.

Russian Mini 40/80m contest:
    Added support.  Dupe checking is reset every 10
    minutes, and mults are different stations worked.
    This is a free and unrestricted option in SD.

FOC QSO Party:
    Fixed reverse lookup (by membership number) while

    When you type a membership number, SD displays the
    callsign and name under the logging line. Then, Enter
    or Down Arrow places the call in the callsign field,
    and pre-fills the name & number in the exchange field
    - ready for logging.

    Reverse lookup already applies to the FOC Marathon,
    the INORC Naval Contest and the CWops Mini Tests.


If you find a bug in V18.40, send the details to Older versions are not
supported, so please confirm that the problem
exists in V18.39.

Paul EI5DI

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