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Re: [SD-User] V17.22 glitch

Subject: Re: [SD-User] V17.22 glitch
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 13:06:20 +0000
List-post: <">>
On 16/12/2013 12:25, Dave Lindsay wrote:
When I worked RT9X the letters KS were inserted between the received number and the 4 points cored.
Yes, that effect was noticed by many users including

Here's how it happened - and, yes, it's a bug.

SD now (with effect from V17.22) uses the unmodified
CTY.DAT file from Jim AD1C at
CTY.DAT is renamed to CQWW.CTY, and all SD's other .CTY
files are derived from CTY.DAT,

Most contest loggers use Jim's files to identify country
and zone from prefixes and individual callsigns. There is
a specific entry in CTY.DAT for RT9X - for its non-standard
CW or ITU zones - the CQ Zone is 17.

SD's district multiplier file for the ARRL 10m contest is
ARRL10.MLT, and the 17th district listed is KS (Kansas).
Somehow, due to broken code in V17.22, SD decided that
Kansas was the default district/zone for RT9X.

Now that I know what happened, it should be easy to fix.
Anyone affected should inspect their Cabrillo log and
remove (or replace with spaces) the offending characters.
If you have problems, send me the log and I will do it.

Paul EI5DI

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