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Re: [SD-User] Editing QSO's

Subject: Re: [SD-User] Editing QSO's
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 18:53:07 +1100
List-post: <">>
On 26/11/2012 08:41, Dave Lindsay wrote:

I logged N2GC and received Zone 5 which is correct but the program logs
it as Marianas Isls and adds a country multiplier.

Simply delete N2GC from the Marianas record in
CQWW.CTY (using a text editor), and run SD again.

Your score and mults totals will have been corrected.

Also logged KL1A/2 and also got zone 5 but Alaska is logged as a
multiplier. I think this OP should have sent W/KL1A.

All that has to be done is to change the callsign
from within SD.  You don't need to edit any file
to do this.

Never had to edit a log before. How do I remove these country
multipliers? Can I just remove them from the ALL file? I am worried
about the scoring.

Scoring in SD, and in all other contest loggers,
is for operator convenience only.  Cabrillo logs
contain NO scoring information for QSOs, whether
points, dupe indicators or mult indicators.  All
contest sponsors independently score all Cabrillo
contest logs.

Paul EI5DI

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