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Re: [SD-User] Yaesu DVR triggering

Subject: Re: [SD-User] Yaesu DVR triggering
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 15:07:08 +0100
List-post: <">>
On 03/10/2012 11:56, Darren Collins (G0TSM) wrote:

I've been trying to trigger the internal voice recorder in the Yaesu
FTDX5000 via the F keys in SD 16.03, but after reading through the
version history it appears this feature is only enabled in the K3.

It's good to see someone taking an interest.  This is
implemented for the K3 because it's the rig I already
have and I can do all the testing I need.

I added similar code to the control files for recent
Yaesu rigs, but I've not had the opportunity to test

My understanding is that, for example, KY6; is the
appropriate Yaesu command to playback its internal
memory 1 voice message.

SD's TESTRIG command allows users to send any control
sequence directly to the rig.  Please experiment with
this (and with reference to the Yaesu manual) to see
what works.

When you find what works, I can then update the Yaesu
control files.

Paul EI5DI

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