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[SD-User] V16.03 Released

Subject: [SD-User] V16.03 Released
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 19:26:04 +0100
List-post: <">>
V16.03          23rd September 2012

Location of Files and Folders:
    To help users who are less familiar with
    the Windows file system, or who may have
    more than one version of SD on their PC,
    SD and SDCHECK now report the appropriate
    file name and location (disk and folder)
    when ending.

Keyer Message Playback:
    The #R parameter was not fixed in V16.02.
    It is now!


If you find new bugs in V16.03, please post full
details to this mailing list.  Older versions are
not supported, so you should first confirm that the
problem exists in this version.

Please let me know what you would like to see
changed or added - whether features or events.

Paul EI5DI

SD-User mailing list

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