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[SD-User] V15.23 Released.

To: "" <>
Subject: [SD-User] V15.23 Released.
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 22:15:19 +0000
List-post: <">>
V15.23          November 2010

CQWW - Russian & Chinese Zones:
     Updated the code to show the correct CQ and
     ITU Zones for Russian and Chinese callsigns.

Rig Control:
     Fixed direct frequency input for Yaesu FT950,
     FT2000, FT5000 and FT9000 range - and this
     time it has been tested on an FT2000.

     A reminder that, after a frequency change,
     you can return to your original frequency
     by pressing F10 twice.

ESM in S&P Mode:
     For dupe callsigns, nothing should be sent
     following Enter - and the same applies to
     an empty exchange field.  Thanks NF5Y.

     Dupes could not be logged.  Fixed, thanks

     Note: The ZAP command does not work in SS.


If you find bugs in V15.23, please post full
details to this mailing list, but do not
report bugs in older versions.

Also, please let me know what you would like
to see changed or added.

Some older versions are available at

Paul EI5DI

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