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[SD-User] V15.11 Released

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] V15.11 Released
From: "Paul O'Kane" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 17:24:59 +0100
List-post: <">>
V15.11      4th July 2010

Dupe Checking:
    Duplicate calls of the format VE1ABC/W2 were
    not flagged as dupes.  Fixed.  Thanks VE3ZZ.

    Note that, in QSO Parties, mobiles and rovers
    (/M or /R) are ignored for dupe checking
    purposes, although the Check Partial window
    shows when they have alrady been worked - they
    appear in lower case.

COM Ports:
    The PORTS command now lets you assign a single
    COM port for both keying and rig control.  The
    SHARE command is no longer needed.

    When a single COM port is shared in this way,
    any level converters used for rig control must
    have their own power supply - no power is
    available from the COM port.  WinKey COM ports
    cannot be shared.

Rig Control:
    With rig-control enabled, the TESTRIG (or TR)
    command lets you send any control sequence to
    your rig.  I use this for testing, but you
    might like to experiment.

    Enter sends the characters to the rig - use
    repeated Enters if necessary.  To return to
    logging, use Esc to clear the field, followed
    by Enter.


The country files have been updated and are included
in V15.11.  They are available separately from

If the Check Partial window stops working, a restart
will restore it.  I have tried to fix this bug, but
it is intermittent, and it may still be there.

If you find bugs, please post the details to this
mailing list.  Also, please let me know what you
would like to see changed or added.

Older versions are available at

Paul EI5DI

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