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[SD-User] SD in CQWW

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] SD in CQWW
From: "Declan Craig" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:07:08 -0000
List-post: <">>
Hi Paul et al,

had great fun using SD in this weekends contest, made 1297 qso's on 80m and it 
never missed a beat. Must confess to not RTFM and learning on the fly but it 
was very intuitive and I'm totally converted (was a CT user). I particularly 
like the Auto Insert feature by the way (after I dicovered it in the early 
hours of Sunday morning HI). Only feature that totally refused to work for me 
was the CQ Repeat, all indications were that it was on but never seemed to kick 
in. Made for a lot of stabbing all weekend HI. I suspect it might be that I'm 
using an old PC running Win98, anyway its a small matter.

Thanks for an excellent piece of kit


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