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[SD-User] No beep on dupe - SDC

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] No beep on dupe - SDC
From: "summers brian" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 12:32:45 -0700
List-post: <">>
I noticed during BERU that if I entered a dupe the callsign field would go red 
but no beep from the pc speakers. I ensured that SD_beep = 1. This is with SDC 

If I exited SDC and opened SD V14.22  then opened the file I used for the 
ARRLDXCW contest a few weeks ago that entering a dupe would cause a beep. 

Is something amiss with SDC V14.22 or with my set-up?

Brian VE7JKZ
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