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Re: [SD-User] Rig Control with IC-735 Using WinkeyerUSB

Subject: Re: [SD-User] Rig Control with IC-735 Using WinkeyerUSB
From: Burton Griffin <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 20:33:27 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
Paul, I am using Ver. 13.38 on a Win98 Pentium and trying to setup rig control 
and Winkey using the two serial ports.  I know the radio is working because Ham 
Radio Deluxe tracks it at 1200 baud.  Do I need to change SD.ini to 1200 baud 
on the serial port?  Both com ports are working but I am having no luck getting 
SD to recognize the rig even by switching the com port assignments.  I have 
been through the manual several times trying to see some command to initiate 
control that I am not using.  Help!

73,  Burton - WB6CYK
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