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[SD-User] Trying to use SD with WIN Me

Subject: [SD-User] Trying to use SD with WIN Me
From: frank <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 13:56:51 +0000
List-post: <>
After giving up on trying to get SD working with LPT1 keying on my old 
WIN 98 Toshiba  notebook I decided to try using
another notebook with WIN Me on it with my microKEYER.  When I set up 
the PORTS to COM8 for WINKEY and COM3 for rig control  I am getting a 
message :   "4800 not supported - reset to 4800".   I never get the 
chance to turnon WINKEY because the program locks up with that message 
permanently displayed.   In WINDOWS SYSTEM info screen all the ports are 
at 4800.  And also the SD status screen reports 4800.   Am trying to get 
ready for portable operation for IOTA but at this rate it looks like I 
may have to take the desktop PC that XP on it.  .

Anyone know why I am getting that weird message ??.....I guess it must 
be because of WIN Me??

73 Frank VO1HP
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