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[SD-User] Missing time

To: SD Contest <>
Subject: [SD-User] Missing time
From: Jeff Spinler <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 18:03:02 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <>
> On 23 Jun 2005 at 16:49, Dave Sergeant wrote:

>> The full date and time are not always displayed in
the date/time window
> ....It seems to only happen if I have the rig
control port enabled on  serial port 1, a genuine
serial port,
> ....If I disable the rig port and re-start SD all is

Thanks for the detailed description - is anyone else
seeing this effect on any version of Windows?

Hi, I did not notice it until the message above, but I
do have the same problem. I am running Windows 95 on a
166 mhz computer. I also have a Kenwood  ts-850 radio
connected to my serial port # 2. Everything seems to
work except there is no time in the given spot. The
program works fine on my Win 98se laptop with no radio
Thanks and 73, Jeff N7VPN

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