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[SD-User] microKEYER and FT1000

To: "Sd-User@Contesting. Com" <>
Subject: [SD-User] microKEYER and FT1000
From: "Jim Martin - MM0BQI" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 17:07:11 -0000
List-post: <>
I am assisting a friend setting up his new MK but we are having little joy
at the moment!  I set everything up like my MP but neither rig control or
WinKey work. The CAT light on the FT came on briefly once, never to be seen
again though!  The rig port opens and the settings are correct. baud, parity
etc.  WinKey port does not open.  He is using SD logging program on a Dell
XP PC. MK versions are all the latest releases.
SD works perfectly with my MP so we are looking at something in XP or a
unique setting for the FT1000?
The connecting cable is the microHAM cable supplied with the MK.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
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