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To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] OMG
From: Thom <ki8w@ki8w.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:32:41 +0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Yep,  I did it for the first time ever.  Mis - typed Don's call.

My sincere apology  goes out to Don AA5AU.


Thom KI8W

On 11/14/2016 00:29, Thom wrote:
I knew the columns would be messed up...sorry bout that.

Forgot to add......Log submitted to contest sponsor...check

Log uploaded to LOTW

Biggest thrill...finding KH6KG as the only RTTY signal on the 40 meter band at 4:30am local for state #50 on RTTY, 40 meters.

Thom KI8W

On 11/14/2016 00:24, Thom wrote:
My first serious operation in more then 15 years. It was very fun but the QTC thing did not work for me.
Ran N1MM+ for contesting for the first time.  I really like it. 
Thanks Don AA5VU for the write up on how to set it up.  Worked like a 
charm.  Goodbye Writelog.

Call: KI8W

Operator: KI8W

Station: KI8W

Class: Single OP Low Power

QTH: Michigan

OP Time: 15 hours 49m  Longest stint in the chair 3 hours 10 minutes.


 Band    Q/QTC  QSOs     Pts  Mlt  Pt/Q
   3.5       QSO      64          64   52   1.0
     7         QSO   128        128   78   1.0
    14       QSO    102        102   70   1.0
    21       QSO      24           24   28   1.0
    28       QSO         1             1    2   1.0
    28       RQTC       1             1    0   1.0
 Total      All       320         320  230  1.0
Score: 73,600

Columns probably will be messed up when I send this.

Club:  Mad River Radio Club


I need to work on rates....get some better antennas....Amplifier?
I am not getting any younger...time in the chair is sometimes tough

Looking for any suggestions, especially in increasing rates. I find I am waiting a lot.
Fun Contest except for the QTC issue.

thanks all for the contacts.


Thom KI8W

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