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Re: [WriteLog] [RTTY] NO Makrothen contest

To: "GL-DJ3IW-Web" <GL-DJ3IW@web.de>,"RTTY" <rtty@contesting.com>, "Writelog" <writelog@contesting.com>, "N1MM+" <N1MMLoggerplus@yahoogroups.com>, "RCKLOG" <rcklog@yahoogroups.com>, "BCC" <bcc@bavarian-contest-club.de>, "DRCG" <drcg@drcg.de>,"MixW" <mixw@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] [RTTY] NO Makrothen contest
From: Jerry Flanders <jeflanders@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2016 17:05:24 -0400
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
I think the response of the RTTY contest community to come out and operate to support the Makrothen RTTY contest in spite of DK3VN's "discontinuance notice" is a tribute to its popularity and to Waldemar's wisdom in starting it up years ago.
Waldemar, this please accept my personal thanks for putting your past 
efforts into making your contest such a success that it can live on 
purely on it's own popularity.
Jerry W4UK

At 08:56 AM 10/7/2016, GL-DJ3IW-Web wrote:
Hell RTTY contesters,

I just talked to Waldemar, DK3VN on the phone and he told me that the
Makrothen contest is discontinued. So there will be no Makrothen contest
this weekend.

 73 de Goetz DJ3IW

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