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Re: [RTTY] Guys- thanks for the laughs!

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Guys- thanks for the laughs!
From: Jerry Flanders <jeflanders@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2016 11:43:09 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi Dick

When I read your last sentence "as I age I find myself doing some amazing things!", I realized that I am not old - I simply have entered an amazing phase of life ;-)
Jerry W4UK

At 11:07 PM 3/19/2016, RLVZ--- via RTTY wrote:

Thank You for sharing your war stories like the one below.  I had a  good
laugh with a couple of them today!  Many say laughter is good for  our
health, if so, I need lots of laughs!

When I'm running stations during RTTY contests, there are more  and people
calling in who give me their exchange information first and then  send their
Callsign once at the end.  Today, I had a guy call in with his  exchange
information and never send his callsign even  once.  Perhaps it's some of
these pour souls whom we  call while they're CQ'ing and they give us the very
unfriendly "dupe"  message?

I love contesting, but there sure are things that get frustrating  from
time to time.  The most aggravating for me is when I'm  running stations and
having a great time, and a loud signal starts calling CQ on  the same
frequency. So if I have ever done that to you, I'd like to l apologize. And if I
haven't done it yet, I'd like to apologize in  advance, because as I age I
find myself doing some amazing things!

Happy Contesting!

Dick- K9OM

In a message dated 3/19/2016 6:34:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
rtty-request@contesting.com writes:

The  today's propagation makes every single QSO unique and memorable.
just a handful of QSOs I was pleased to hear the first signal from  South
America in BARTG and called the guy. The response was amazing,

Ok, I have lost the SA QSO but it  made my day.

Vlad  VE3IAE

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