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Re: [RTTY] 2Tone 75 baud FSK transmit

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] 2Tone 75 baud FSK transmit
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:48:17 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I’m thinking I missed something but don’t know what. Using a u2R for
the interface but don’t suspect that since MMTTY works.
2Tone FSK transmit is *very different* from MMTTY transmit.  MMTTY uses
the UART interface - the UART does the timing - while 2Tone toggles the
TxD line directly.

If you had micro2R (and Router) configured to provide a UART interface
for MMTTY and did not make the necessary changes, 2Tone's output would
be completely scrambled.  For MMTTY you need to set the USB Port (in
MMTTY's MISC tab) to Option C and check the "Stuff" box on Router's
FSK port.  For 2Tone, both the "Stuff" and "Strict BPS" box on Router's
FSK Port must be *unchecked*.

Clearing the "Stuff" box tells Router (and the controller in micro2R)
that the FSK port TxD is going to be controlled directly (2Tone FSK,
WriteLog "Software Generated FSK" or MMTTY's EXTFSK64).  Checking the
"Stuff" box lets Router (and the controller in u2R - or MK II, DK II,
MK2R+) know that the application accessing the FSK port will be using
the UART and that the controller should generate diddles whenever there
is no data in the input buffer to maintain receiver synchronization.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2014-09-23 4:25 PM, Ken Beals wrote:
Wondering if anyone here used 2Tone @ 75 baud FSK this last weekend.
I had some trouble getting it going and I’d like to compare notes.
Receive worked fine but no one could decode my transmit signals.
Switched over to MMTTY for transmit and carried on. Checked 2Tone in
AFSK after the contest and that works fine.   I’m thinking I missed
something but don’t know what. Using a u2R for the interface but
don’t suspect that since MMTTY works.


Ken K6MR _______________________________________________ RTTY mailing
list RTTY@contesting.com

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