5. Schedule your operations on at least 6 MF or HF amateur bands at
times meant to maximize coverage.
Hypothetical question. If W1AW can disregard the interference rule can
they disregard the power rules too. 5KW, 10KW or even 50kW would reach
far more places. That would maximize coverage right?
What if there was emergency traffic being handled on a bulletin
frequency or a practice frequency? It could happen. QST is not
distributed freely to every ham. Can we expect every ham to make a
clear channel for W1AW and know at all times where these bulletins and
code practice sessions start and end?
Where do you draw the line.
This rule is completely counter what what amateur radio stands for.
Nobody should be free and clear from the willful and malicious
interference clause. Nobody.
Just think about it for a while. You give an inch and people take a
mile. I think that is exactly what has been done here.
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