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[RTTY] W1AW portables on JT65

To: "'RTTY'" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] W1AW portables on JT65
From: "Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 22:25:05 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Since this is the "RTTY" reflector, I think I already know what kind of answers 
I'll get with this one, but here goes.

I'm going to be operating W1AW/5 next week and will be doing a lot of RTTY. My 
thoughts are that I will not operate JT65 because of
how slow it is. I have worked other W1AW portable stations on JT65 but I just 
don't see the value in using a mode that takes 5
minutes to make one contact. Don't get me wrong, I really like JT65 and have 
over 1500 JT65 contacts in the log in the past 2 years.

Is there any value at all to operating JT65 from W1AW portable operations? Does 
the rate get so slow toward the end that JT65 then
becomes acceptable in spite of its slow rate?


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