Being on the "other side" of the pileup was certainly a new experience for
me. Not only did it give me a greater appreciation for those that contribute
greatly to our amazing hobby, by being the "other side" of the pileup, on
Dxpedetions, and those that are always "in demand", it also it gave me a
chance to improve my operating skills. I had 3 hours of 80+ per hour, and I
attribute that to the efficiency and consideration of those that were
I'm not much of a "late afternoon/early evening" operator, as I choose to
make that "family time", so I already knew that most of my mid-week
operating would be limited. I concentrated on making the weekend as
productive as possible, and felt like I accomplished that, even though
others may not? I also took a vacation day on Tuesday, the last day of
W1AW/4 from KY operation. On Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday I managed 1212 of
my total of 1660 (including dupes) contacts.
As a contester I've spent very little time on the WARC bands, but found out
that there is a tremendous amount of activity there. I managed a total of
496 contacts on the WARC bands. With better preparation, I'm sure that I
could have better "managed my time" on them.
I'm sure that I missed some on all bands, and some that wanted to "fill band
slots", and for that I apologize. I also gained a greater respect of the
operating style of the RTTY community, in general. Almost all were efficient
and considerate, not only allowing my contacts to "grow", but allowing
others to have the opportunity to make a contact. To those that "are in the
log" thanks for being there. To those that I could not copy, for whatever
reason, I apologize. You will have another chance to work W1AW/4, from KY,
in August. Discussion will take place, and I will attempt to accommodate all
that didn't make it into the log, in March.
Bottom line "I had a lot of fun", and I hope each and every one of you did
C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
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