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[RTTY] Where will N3KN and W4PWF be on March 8th???

To: "rtty-contesting.com" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Where will N3KN and W4PWF be on March 8th???
From: Ben Antanaitis - WB2RHM <wb2rhm@wb2rhm.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 17:33:51 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Where will both ARRL President Kay C. Craigie, N3KN and Roanoke Division Director Dennis Bodson, W4PWF (key backers, formulators, and sponsors of RM-11708) be on March 8th??????
They will both be presenting separate hamfest forum sessions at the 
2014 Charlotte Hamfest  http://www.w4bfb.org/hamfest2014/forums.php 
at the Cabarrus Arena and Event Center.
See:   http://www.w4bfb.org/hamfest2014/index.php

Both sessions will have an Open Question period, offering two different opportunities for someone articulate and motivated to ask the questions that need the answers re: The RM-11708 process and justification.
If you want to ask the questions, here is your opportunity to ask the 
people most directly involved!
On March 7th and 8th, come to Charlotte, NC, go to the Cabarrus Event 
Center, and attend the 2014 Charlotte Hamfest.

Ben - WB2RHM

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