First of all, the TB-WIRE and ROOKIE categories are not regular entry
categories. They are "Overlay Categories" which mean you can enter them in
addition to one of the many regular SO categories. As a SO you must enter
one of the regular SO categories and either of the two optional Overlay
Catorgies are a parallel, optional category. All the listed callsigns in
the TB-Wires Overlay category are also listed in one of the regular SO
category results listing.
So, you would have these four lines in your Cabrillo log file header (plus a
number of other lines):
It looks like the antenna description below qualifies for the TB-Wires
Overlay category along with your required SOABLP regular entry category.
The constraints are that the 10-20 bands must be a single antenna, e.g. a
tri-bander, with a single feedline. On 40 and 80 the antennas must be
single elements, e.g., a vertical, Inverted-V/L, dipole, etc. They can be
separate feedlines.
CQ RTTY Contest Director
Phil GU0SUP wrote:
This year, for the first time, I have become aware of the Tribander/Wires
Up till now, I have always entered the SOABLP class, and left it at that.
I use a 2-ele mini-beam up 20' and a half-size G5RV or Inverted L for the
lower bands.
For WPX this year, I didn't use the L, only the half G5RV on 40m (no Q's on
So, before I submit my log, can anyone advise me whether the above kit falls
into this category, and what advantages are there of entering that class as
opposed to plain old SOABLP?
Any suggestions before I submit my log would be appreciated.
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