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Re: [RTTY] Formatting your CQ call for detection by the RTTY skimmer, RC

To: "Wes Cosand" <wz7i@arrl.net>, "RTTY" <RTTY@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Formatting your CQ call for detection by the RTTY skimmer, RCKskimmer
From: "Rex Maner" <k7qq@netzero.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 03:56:16 -0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I know I'm old and a bit dense, I don't see the space your talking about?

Do I make my MACRO "CQ TEST K7QQ" OR do I make it " CQ TEST K7QQ " AND do I need to put the brackets at the end ??
I think I see the space at the end but not at the front ??

Rex K7QQ

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wes Cosand" <wz7i@arrl.net>
To: "RTTY" <RTTY@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 12:51 PM
Subject: [RTTY] Formatting your CQ call for detection by the RTTY skimmer,RCKskimmer

A network of receivers using the RTTY skimmer developed by Walter, DL4RCK,
is beginning to mature.  But RTTY operators need to remember one rule in
formatting their CQ call to assure their call is detected by the
software.  Make
certain to transmit a space (" ") after both your call letters and the key
word (CQ, TEST, or QRZ).  This will usually mean transmitting a space at
the end of the line.

CQ transmissions during a contest might resemble the following:

"QRZ WZ7I " (note space at end of line)



During non-contest periods the keyword needs to proceed your call letters.

This morning the RTTY data stream from the DL4RCK DX cluster was also being
distributed by the clusters maintained by VE7CC, K1TTT, VE1DXI and K2CAN
and perhaps others.

Hope to see you on my screen next weekend.

Wes, WZ7I
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