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Re: [RTTY] Need advice

To: "Dick-W0RAA" <dickt@w0raa.com>, "RTTY Contesting Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Need advice
From: "Mark n2qt" <n2qt@verizon.net>
Reply-to: Mark n2qt <n2qt@verizon.net>
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2012 14:05:52 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Just to get started it's probably easy to just route each rigs audio to one side of a set of stereo headphones and skip the DX Doubler. The software will do the rig control and switching for you. You will find things that work (or not) as you do a contest. Be sure and try the practice sessions that normally run before the big contests as that is a way to be sure your software and equipment are in synch with your expectations.
Have fun, make mistakes and learn how to make it better.

Also your first step is to be sure you have sufficient isolation between your antennas to allow SO2R operation without overload of your second rig. "Managing Interstation Interference" available from InRad or the technical notes on K1TTT's website are good
starting points.

Mark N2QT

(I'm just always happy that people all over the world will spend money for equipment, put up antennas, and get on the air so I can work someone in a contest. If you screw
up, take too long or hit the wrong key, I'll wait for you).

-----Original Message----- From: Dick-W0RAA
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:29 PM
To: CQ-Contesting Reflector ; Writelog Reflector ; N1MM Logger Reflector ; RTTY Contesting Reflector
Subject: [RTTY] Need advice

Hi guys & gals,

I would like to get some advice as regards SO2R operating. My station is not a super contest station by any stretch of the imagination. So that you have an idea of what I have let me give a brief breakdown:
Yaesu FT-950
Yaesu FT-857D
Ameritron AL-811A Amp (not used in contests)
Palstar Tuner (Not auto-tune)
Cushcraft A3S @ 34' on a Rohn 25 Tower with a Hazer 2 unit for raising & lowering the beam
Butternut HF-9V ground mounted w/radials
80 Meter shortened dipole at 30'
I also have a SignaLink USB that is hooked up to my FT-950.

As you can see, a modest setup but it all works pretty well. I live in an upscale mobile home retirement community, that, thankfully, allows beams and other antennas.
I'd like to setup a modest SO2R operation for RTTY contesting.  I don't know 
if my station is equipped well enough to do that.  I am considering getting 
a DX-Doubler unit and if anybody on the contesting reflectors is using a 
DX-Doubler, I'd certainly like to communicate with you about the abilities 
of the unit and whether or not it will be all that I need.  Or maybe 
something I shouldn't even consider.
I have some questions but not really sure what they should be, thus my need 
for help from some folks who are using a similar setup.  My main contesting 
program is Writelog and I also use N1MM.  Mainly though, Writelog.  I have 
had success with both programs and keep them up to date.
I hope to run into some of you during the COQP (Colorado QSO Party) tomorrow 
(Sat., Sept. 1).

Dick W0RAA

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