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Re: [RTTY] Three lessons from NAQP

To: David Levine <david@levinecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Three lessons from NAQP
From: n9lah@comcast.net
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:10:44 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I guess I will rework the TU message for next time. The main reason I asked the 
qustion was that I have been using this macro as long as I have been using N1MM 
and I just never had so many problems with it. I suppose all things need 
tweaking now and then. 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Levine" <david@levinecentral.com> 
To: rtty@contesting.com 
Cc: "Phil Snyder" <n9lah@comcast.net> 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 5:56:49 AM 
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Three lessons from NAQP 


There are 2 things a S&Per needs when they come across a line - your call and 
an indication you are the calling station. If your last line is "AD1C TU QRZ?" 
then if a S&Per tunes your frequency, they can't call you until either you send 
another CQ or another station that has been listening on the frequency calls 
you and goes through the entire exchange. I guess the 3rd thing that could 
happen is people assume you are AD1C which seems to also be the case from your 
report. As an S&Per anything like the following would be helpful with the most 
important things being the last 2 elements of the line (CQ or QRZ 

xxxx TU N9LAH CQ 

If either of the last 2 parts of your TU line aren't like the above, unless 
I've heard more of your transmission I can't reply until you send something 
else. If it doesn't end with QRZ or CQ and I tune and just see N9LAH, I would 
have no idea if you are sending your call to another station or calling CQ and 
we both need to wait. In a pileup, you have enough folks waiting to send their 
call but at any other time, the S&Per needs to wait to know who is calling CQ. 

My 2 cents. 

K2DSL - David  

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Phil Snyder < n9lah@comcast.net > wrote: 

In the same direction. With poor band conditions is PHIL IL too 
confusing? I suppose one might mistake the IL as a second PHIL where the 
PH got garbled. Maybe I should use another name in the future. 

Also I ran the whole contest. I had many stations, more than I ever 
remember, sending their info and thinking they were working the station 
I just cleared with. My macro, which hasn't changed from the last couple 
of years, is "AD1C TU QRZ?" I thought that it was pretty clear that I am 
clearing with AD1C and moving on to the next caller, but they kept 
seeming to think they were working the station I just cleared with. Any 
ideas other then the recent use of QRZ thread? 


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