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Re: [RTTY] RTTY Interface Replacement

To: RTTY Reflector <rtty@contesting.com>, Steve **KT0DX** <kt0dx@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RTTY Interface Replacement
From: Kok Chen <chen@mac.com>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 15:52:41 -0700
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
On Jul 4, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Steve **KT0DX** wrote:

> I am undergoing a station upgrade and at this time I am using a 
> RIGblaster Plus to interface the computer and radio for RTTY operation.
> I usually use MMTTY and N1MM for contesting.  At this time I am 
> considering a Micro Keyer II or the RigExpert plus.  One of the things I 
> would like to cut down on is the amount of cables between the interface 
> and radio/computer.

Do you need the voice keyer functions in the microKeyer II?   If not and if 
cable simplicity is what you are looking for, microHAM has just released a 
digiKeyer II that might be worth looking at.  

The main difference between the digiKeyer II and the old digiKeyer is the 
presence of WinKey for CW.  There are some other new stuff also, like FSK 
support for fldigi.

Like the microKeyer, there is a single USB cable between the computer and the 
digiKeyer, but the cable bundle between the digiKeyer interface and the radio 
is much less unwieldy than the one between the microKeyer and the radio.

In addition to not supporting voice mode, the digiKeyer II also lacks the fancy 
LCD panel in the microKeyer II.  But you also save a hundred bucks :-).

Joe W4TV might be able to tell you how well (or not) MMTTY and N1MM sings with 
the new interface.  

Chen, W7AY

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