On 4 October, Rich, VE3KI, posted some notes here about setting up MixW so
it generates a proper Cabrillo file after the contest. He has further
coached me on the specific instructions for the CQ WW RTTY and CQ WPX RTTY
contests. The web sites for each of these contests now has instructions for
generating a Cabrillo file that will satisfy the log submittal robot. By
far, the majority of problem Cabrillo logs in these two contests originate
from MixW. It's not so much a problem with MixW as with understanding how
to set it up and use it such that the Cabrillo log can be created correctly.
It is important to set up MixW appropriately before the contest and to fill
in the exchange field(s) correctly during the contest. While it is possible
to "fix" the Cabrillo file afterward with a simple text editor, it can be a
very laborious task depending on what is wrong. If need be, though, there
is detailed information on these web sites on the specific Cabrillo
specification for each contest.
So, before CQ WPX RTTY next February, take a look at
http://www.cqwpxrtty.com/logs.htm#MixW_Notes. For CQ WW RTTY, see
Ed - W0YK
CQ RTTY Contest Director
Ed Muns
Muns Vineyard - www.munsvineyard.com
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