Hello Joe,
I don't have a Vista machine here to test the presentation (it was created
using Excel 2003 on XP Pro) but here's a tip from the Microsoft website
regarding this kind of problem:
"You moved your sound files to a new location, and now your presentation won't
play Copy the sound files into the folder that contains your presentation, and
then either update the links by using the Package for CD feature, or manually
update the links by removing the sounds and adding them back."
Here's the link to this Microsoft information and other tips:
Here's a link to a more thorough discussion about this issue:
As long as the files played okay in your Media Player, they are in the correct
audio format for your computer. The "Package for CD" option is a menu selection
within the "Files" menu on the PowerPoint menu bar.
Some of the resolutions suggest deleting and reinserting the audio links on the
PowerPoint slides. I would avoid doing this because each audio file link
contains specific timing information so the audio plays in the proper sequence.
If you delete the little speaker icon, this information will also be deleted.
If this doesn't resolve the issue, go back to my website and download the
alternate zip file (filename ends in "CD") which I created using the Package
for CD option. Unzip this into a folder and give that set of files a try.
Here's the link to the PowerPoint presentation on the K0RC website:
Let me know if relinking the files or downloading the CD version corrects the
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
----- Original Message -----
From: <k0bx@arrl.net>
To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Cc: <k0rc@citlink.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:52 AM
Subject: WØDXCC Contest Central - RTTY Contesting presentation
Hi Bob K0RC and the group. I downloaded this presentation at home last night.
It is really well done and even gave a old timer like me some tips. But I did
have a problem??
The Power-Point Presentation software running on my VISTA machine did not play
the sound files. I had unzipped all files into the same directory but nothing
played during the presentation. I was able to play each sound file by them
I wonder if anyone else had that problem or if you think it might be a VISTA
Joe K0BX
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