Hi all,
Oh boy! What strange conditions!
I started a bit late, as I got stuck in a traffic jam, so lost an hour or
so. The bands seemed quite lively, and I didn't take too long to work all 10
call areas of W-land. Sadly, only worked VE2, VE3 and VE6, so missed out on
VE1/VE9, which are normally easy.
During the afternoon, 20 was wide open to W6/W7, but EU was weak and not
easy to work, although I did get called by a GM during a run of W's.
By around 1730UTC, 20m was totally closed here, and 40 and 80 were almost
dead, with only a few stations just about audible.
I went for tea and tried again later, but had a hard time getting folk to
hear me. GW4SKA was loud with me, but he could not hear me at all. I gave up
quite early, as the lower bands were just not good for me.
Sunday morning was also strange, with only a couple of PA's and one ON on
80, but then I worked K1SFA and K4GMH, both of whom were S9+ over an hour
after sunrise!
On 40m, I was pleased to find T77NM for a new mult, and then I also found
T77NC a few kc's higher!
Went to 20m around 0800 and managed a few JA's, but despute trying hard, I
missed out on South America and Oceania for those valuable extra mults.
I did see ZM2A being worked, but he had a very unruly pile-up, so I had to
leave it.
I did have a few nice runs of CQ, but they were generally short lived.
Nice to see so many calls new to RTTY, or not seen before!
Here is my final tally:
80m: 19
40m: 11
20m: 173
15m: 0
10m: 0
Total: 203
Continents: 4
Call Areas: 16
DXCC: 41
Total multipliers: 57
Score: 46284
My log is now on LoTW, but paper cards are always welcomed.
73 all
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