No one says you HAVE to use FSK to do good. For those new to RTTY, FSK
is preferred if your rig supports it, which most do. AFSK can be made
to work just fine, but it requires paying strict attention to audio
drive level and avoiding hum pickup caused by ground loops. FSK is
much more forgiving since there is no audio signal at all, just simple
on-off keying.
The debate between FSK and AFSK has been thrashed over many, many
times and there are pros and cons on both sides, with FSK generally
being preferred by people who have tried both. My only point in this
post is to correct the erroneous statement below. No knowledgeable
person ever said any such thing.
73, Bill W6WRT
------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------
>. DON'T listen to the pundits that say you 'HAVE TO USE FSK' to do good!
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