Hi again all,
Sri, but I was fooled by this line:
>scrore is calculated by number of (qso +qtc)*mults on each band.
After consulting the rules I understand that the scoring formula is:
(sum of qso:s on all bands + sum of qtc:s on all bands) * sum of mults
on all bands
which gives you a totally different result.
Sri again Noel, Barry and Phil!
Nils Collin skrev:
Hi all,
The simple score formula could be written this way:
(qso +qtc)*mults = qso*mults + qtc*mults
which means that the qtc:s are also weighted by band (as well as the
qso:s). But I donĀ“t think it is worth
the trouble to pull many qtc:s through all the qrm on 80...
73, Nils
Barry skrev:
You are correct. It doesn't matter where you send QTCs. As a matter of
fact I try to avoid 80m for QTC, even though stations ask. There's just
too much QRN, etc to reliably copy all but the loudest stations. It's
much better to have them call in on 40 that evening, or 20/15 the
following day.
Barry W2UP
VE2RYY wrote:
I was told yesterday, that it was better to send or receive QTC's on 80
40 than 20 15 10M, because you have more points on 80 40 than 20 15 and 10M
I think this is not right, beause scrore is calculated by number of (qso
+qtc)*mults on each band.They are countries weighted by band
7.0= x3
20,15,10= x2
I would like to have an advice...on this...
I think you do not have more points sending 1 qtc on 40 M than sending
this qtc on 20M....
Little bit confused about that...
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