The Dominoex contest starts at 0000 UTC July 15th. For folks in the
North American, this puts the contest start just around the time 20M
and above begin to "close". For folks in much of Europe it puts the
start of the contest in the very early hours where perhaps 80 and 40M
may be the only reasonable options. So, it might be that the
beginning of the contest does not offer a huge amounts of QSOs.
Regardless, I urge folks to try to make a good effort to stir up
activity,and call CQ on several bands. If you run out of contest
contacts, try take a break but I urge you to try several times
throughout the contest period.
I plan on trying 20M at first and then moving to 40 for east coast and
maybe European contacts. Later I hope for a few West coast contacts
on 40M and maybe some more local QSOs on 80. In the early morning
(USA time), I have recently noticed 20M openings to Europe starting
at around 11-12 hours UTC. I plan to try 20M at these times and hope
that 20M supports other DX during the day.
I'm not an expert at the openings to Oceania , does anyone have a
suggested time/bands. I think I have heard a few VK's early in the
USA morning on 40M.
If you plan to operate this experimental contest please share your
operating plans.
Remember, when PSK31 was new? The first contests started with a
flurry of activity and them seemingly endless "CQ Contest" streams as
contacts dried up. Be happy if we get lots of activity, don't get too
discouraged if you have to take a break and wait for new contacts to
ride in on the propagation waves.
Remember, one of the goals of this experimental contest is to compare
the mode with RTTY contesting. Please encourage any RTTY contesters
to give this contest a try, even if it is just a QSO or two.
The link below will include software that supports this mode, email if
you need further help
First International DominoEx Prefix Contest
International DominoEx Prefix Contest: 0000Z-1800Z, Jul 15
Mode: DominoEx
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op Multi-Band
Single Op Single Band
Exchange: RST + Serial No.
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with same country on 20/15/10m
2 points per QSO with same country on 80/40m
2 points per QSO with different countries on same continent on 20/15/10m
4 points per QSO with different countries on same continent on 80/40m
3 points per QSO with different continent on 20/15/10m
6 points per QSO with different continent on 80/40m
Multipliers: Each prefix once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: August 1, 2006
E-mail logs to: dominoexcontest[at]gmail[dot]com
Mail logs to: (none)
Find rules at:
Andy K3UK
Fredonia, New York.
Skype Me : callto://andyobrien73
Also available via Echolink
RTTY mailing list