(not sure if Delawareans is the right term)
I need a Delaware rttyphial to submit a 40 meter rtty LoTW qsl so I can finish
40 meter
rtty WAS and get my sticker.
According to my log I've worked the following Delawareans on rtty.
W3PP (thrice)
N3KW (twice)
and a solo WB3LGC
But I have only a single lonely N3KW on 40 meter rtty.
And so far he hasn't submitted to LoTW.
So if anybody in the great State of Delaware, would be kind enough to work me
on 40 meter
rtty some evening, I'd appreciate it.
I'm home most evenings except when the xyl is trying to work me to death.
(and when I get Delaware in the log and qualify for that sticker on 40 rtty,
I'll see what
we can do about 80 rtty WAS)
The best things in the world are free --- and worth every penny of it.
Bill H. in Chicagoland
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