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Re: [RTTY] RTTY on 160 Meters

To: rttY@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RTTY on 160 Meters
From: John Becker <w0jab@big-river.net>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:15:38 -0600
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Andy has a very good point.
If we want to play with them we are going
have to do it between 1838 and 1842.

Ray Charles could see this.

John, W0JAB

At 04:19 AM 2/28/06, you wrote:
> >>> "Thomas Giella KN4LF" <flcyclone@tampabay.rr.com> wrote on
>28/02/2006 04:07:25:
> > Hi Don et all,
> >
> > Yes let's do some RTTY on Friday and/or Saturday evening beginning
> > around 0000-0100 UTC on 1808 kc LSB +/- QRM. I have a full sized
> > inverted L and 600 watts so I can work all 50 states on 160. I have
> > 8 foot diameter outdoor receive loop too.
> >
> > On 160 PSK31 I've managed 60 QSO's.
>Jings - you guys miss the point quickly!!
>If you go on to 1808 we can't come out to play.  We aren't allowed
>below 1810.
>Our IARU bandplan puts digital 1838 to 1842 where we can get at it.
>I'm amazed to hear some of the things you folks are saying about what
>the ARRL have been doing - do they have no idea about allocations in
>other parts of the world - don't they want you to talk to us?
>Anyway, if you'll come and play up in our bit I'll post a message on
>the UK-Contest list and see if we can get some activity from this side.
>I've only tried digital once on top band a couple of weeks ago and
>worked three on PSK and two on rtty so there are people around.
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